January 16th, 2025

SoundGym Hero: Olivier Arntz

Olivier Arntz
A seasoned DJ, producer, and founder of Antigoon Records, merging his passion for music with his expertise in SEO and business automation, crafting a unique identity as both an artist and label owner. Olivier Arntz is this month's SoundGym Hero!

How did you first find your way into making music?

‭ I've‬‭ been‬‭ a‬‭ DJ‬‭ since‬‭ 1985‬‭ and‬‭ started‬‭ my‬‭ career‬‭ as‬‭ a‬‭ resident‬‭ DJ.‬‭ Nowadays,‬‭ I‬‭ mainly‬‭ perform‬‭ at‬‭ private‬‭ parties‬‭ and‬‭ events,‬‭ though‬‭ that‬‭ might‬‭ change‬‭ to‬‭ more‬‭ public‬‭ events‬‭ as‬‭ an artist in the future—who knows what the future holds.‬‭ For‬‭ a‬‭ long‬‭ time,‬‭ I‬‭ had‬‭ a‬‭ dream‬‭ of‬‭ making‬‭ my‬‭ own‬‭ music,‬‭ but‬‭ I‬‭ always‬‭ postponed‬‭ it‬‭ due‬‭ to‬‭ other‬‭ priorities.‬‭
I‬‭ bought‬‭ an‬‭ Ableton‬‭ Live‬‭ license‬‭ in‬‭ 2015,‬‭ but‬‭ it‬‭ wasn’t‬‭ until‬‭ the‬‭ early‬‭ COVID‬‭ lockdown‬‭ in‬‭ 2020‬‭ that‬‭ I‬‭ finally‬‭ started‬‭ producing—a‬‭ beautiful‬‭ example‬‭ of‬‭ 5‬‭ years‬‭ of‬‭ procrastination before finally making that dream a reality.‬

Aside from music, what hobbies or activities do you enjoy?

 I‬‭ enjoy‬‭ reading,‬‭ going‬‭ to‬‭ the‬‭ movies,‬‭ and‬‭ fitness.‬‭ I‬‭ also‬‭ love‬‭ science‬‭ fiction‬‭ and‬‭ activities‬‭ that‬‭ challenge‬‭ my‬‭ mental‬‭ being‬‭ and‬‭ inspire‬‭ learning,‬‭ often‬‭ in‬‭ a‬‭ creative‬‭ corner‬‭ of‬‭ life.‬‭ I’m‬‭ drawn‬‭ to‬‭ pursuits‬‭ that‬‭ involve‬‭ dreaming‬‭ big,‬‭ discipline,‬‭ overcoming‬‭ procrastination,‬‭ and‬‭ tackling my perfectionism.‬

What’s something you're surprisingly good at that has nothing to do with music?

‭ I‬‭ run‬‭ my‬‭ own‬‭ company,‬‭ Online‬‭ Expert,‬‭ which‬‭ specializes‬‭ in‬‭ Search‬‭ Engine‬‭ Optimization‬‭ (SEO)‬‭ and‬‭ Google‬‭ Ads.‬‭ I'm‬‭ also‬‭ skilled‬‭ at‬‭ using‬‭ automation‬‭ to‬‭ reduce‬‭ everyday‬‭ business‬‭ tasks,‬‭ organizing,‬‭ and‬‭ planning—‬‭ all‬‭ skills‬‭ that‬‭ help‬‭ me‬‭ stay‬‭ efficient‬‭ and‬‭ creative‬‭ in‬‭ my‬‭ music and business.‬

If you could play or create with any artist, who would it be and why?

This‬‭ is‬‭ a‬‭ difficult‬‭ question,‬‭ as‬‭ there‬‭ are‬‭ so‬‭ many‬‭ truly‬‭ inspiring‬‭ artists.‬‭ Spontaneously,‬‭ I‬‭ would‬‭ choose‬‭ Quincy‬‭ Jones,‬‭ who‬‭ sadly‬‭ passed‬‭ away‬‭ at‬‭ the‬‭ age‬‭ of‬‭ 91‬‭ as‬‭ I‬‭ was‬‭ preparing‬‭ these‬‭ answers.‬‭ It’s‬‭ very‬‭ sad‬‭ news,‬‭ though‬‭ he‬‭ lived‬‭ a‬‭ beautiful‬‭ and‬‭ very‬‭ inspiring‬‭ life.‬‭ I‬‭ recommend‬‭ his‬‭ book‬‭ "12‬‭ Notes:‬‭ On‬‭ Life‬‭ and‬‭ Creativity"‬‭ which‬‭ shares‬‭ invaluable‬‭ insights‬‭ and‬‭ lessons‬‭ drawn‬‭ from‬‭ his‬‭ incredible‬‭ career.‬‭ I‬‭ would‬‭ also‬‭ suggest‬‭ watching‬‭ the‬‭ Netflix‬
‭ documentary about his life to truly understand his impact.‬

‭ On‬‭ the‬‭ other‬‭ hand,‬‭ Black‬‭ Coffee‬‭ has‬‭ also‬‭ greatly‬‭ inspired‬‭ me.‬‭ I‬‭ find‬‭ his‬‭ music‬‭ captivating,‬‭ and‬‭ his‬‭ ability‬‭ to‬‭ perform‬‭ and‬‭ play‬‭ as‬‭ a‬‭ DJ‬‭ while‬‭ only‬‭ being‬‭ able‬‭ to‬‭ use‬‭ one‬‭ arm‬‭ is‬‭ a‬‭ testament to overcoming challenges and obstacles to achieve your goals.‬

What piece of music gear do you love the most, and what makes it irreplaceable in your creative process?

The‬‭ piano - whether‬‭ as‬‭ a‬‭ real‬‭ instrument‬‭ or‬‭ in‬‭ digital‬‭ form - always‬‭ manages‬‭ to‬‭ touch‬‭ me‬‭ deeply‬‭ in‬‭ whatever‬‭ context‬‭ or‬‭ music‬‭ it‬‭ appears.‬‭ I‬‭ love‬‭ using‬‭ software‬‭ synths‬‭ like‬‭ Serum,‭ Diva,‬‭ and‬‭ Knifonium,‬‭ which‬‭ I‬‭ can‬‭ manipulate‬‭ to‬‭ add‬‭ unique‬‭ character‬‭ and‬‭ versatility‬‭ to‬‭ my‬
‭ productions.‬

Olivier Arntz studio

What daily or weekly habits do you have in place to keep you creating?

‭ Keith‬‭ Mills'‬‭ Finish‬‭ More‬‭ Music‬‭ coaching‬‭ and‬‭ community‬‭ taught‬‭ me‬‭ to‬‭ define‬‭ a‬‭ non-negotiable‬‭ "One‬‭ Thing"‬‭ to‬‭ achieve‬‭ each‬‭ week,‬‭ broken‬‭ down‬‭ into‬‭ three‬‭ daily‬‭ actions.‬‭ I‬‭ track‬‭ these‬‭ tasks‬‭ with‬‭ the‬‭ Todoist‬‭ App,‬‭ which‬‭ has‬‭ been‬‭ invaluable‬‭ in‬‭ maintaining‬
‭ consistent progress.‬
‭ While‬‭ this‬‭ might‬‭ sound‬‭ simple,‬‭ balancing‬‭ priorities,‬‭ focus,‬‭ and‬‭ overcoming‬‭ procrastination‬‭ is‬‭ an‬‭ everyday‬‭ challenge.‬‭ Although‬‭ progress‬‭ sometimes‬‭ feels‬‭ slow,‬‭ those‬‭ small,‬‭ steady‬‭ steps build up to meaningful results.‬
‭ Music-making,‬‭ for‬‭ me,‬‭ requires‬‭ balancing‬‭ skill‬‭ and‬‭ mental‬‭ resilience—nurturing‬‭ self-discipline,‬‭ creativity,‬‭ and‬‭ managing‬‭ self-doubt.‬‭ The‬‭ key‬‭ is‬‭ moving‬‭ forward,‬‭ even‬‭ with‬‭ the smallest steps.‬

What keeps you motivated to continue making music?

 The‬‭ drive‬‭ to‬‭ create‬‭ an‬‭ emotional‬‭ connection‬‭ with‬‭ the‬‭ listener‬‭ and‬‭ touch‬‭ their‬‭ hearts‬‭ fuels‬‭ my‬‭ motivation.‬‭ If‬‭ my‬‭ music‬‭ could‬‭ move‬‭ others‬‭ as‬‭ deeply‬‭ as‬‭ music‬‭ has‬‭ impacted‬‭ me,‬‭ it‬‭ would be a profound honor.‬

‭ I’m‬‭ not‬‭ motivated‬‭ by‬‭ money‬‭ or‬‭ fame;‬‭ instead,‬‭ I‬‭ value‬‭ the‬‭ satisfaction‬‭ and‬‭ recognition‬‭ of‬‭ my‬‭ work.‬‭ I’m‬‭ passionate‬‭ about‬‭ continuous‬‭ learning—the‬‭ more‬‭ you‬‭ know,‬‭ the‬‭ more‬‭ you‬‭ realize‬‭ there’s an infinite path of discovery, which excites me.‬

‭ One‬‭ dream‬‭ I‬‭ hold‬‭ close‬‭ is‬‭ to‬‭ create‬‭ a‬‭ piece‬‭ that‬‭ resonates‬‭ with‬‭ listeners‬‭ long‬‭ after‬‭ I’m‬‭ gone.‬‭ It‬‭ feels‬‭ like‬‭ leaving‬‭ a‬‭ part‬‭ of‬‭ myself‬‭ behind,‬‭ almost‬‭ like‬‭ having‬‭ a‬‭ legacy,‬‭ much‬‭ like‬‭ leaving behind children (I do have one lovely daughter).

What song would you choose as the soundtrack of your life?

“Human”‬‭ by‬‭ The‬‭ Killers.‬‭ I‬‭ first‬‭ discovered‬‭ this‬‭ track‬‭ during‬‭ an‬‭ extremely‬‭ sad‬‭ and‬‭ intense‬‭ funeral,‬‭ and‬‭ it‬‭ has‬‭ become‬‭ my‬‭ partner’s‬‭ and‬‭ my‬‭ absolute‬‭ favorite‬‭ ever‬‭ since.‬‭ I‬‭ love‬‭ the‬‭ philosophy‬‭ of‬‭ the‬‭ lyrics‬‭ and‬‭ how‬‭ it's‬‭ open‬‭ to‬‭ different‬‭ interpretations.‬‭

The‬‭ band’s‬‭ co-founder‬‭ Brandon‬‭ Flowers‬‭ said‬‭ about‬‭ the‬‭ "are‬‭ we‬‭ dancer"‬‭ line:‬‭

"I‬‭ guess‬‭ it‬‭ bothers‬‭ people‬ that‬‭ it’s‬‭ not‬‭ grammatically‬‭ correct,‬‭ but‬‭ I‬‭ think‬‭ I’m‬‭ allowed‬‭ to‬‭ do‬‭ whatever‬‭ I‬‭ want.‬"

which‬ resonates with me as an artist.‬

I’d also choose “If You Don’t Know Me By Now” by Simply Red, my partner’s and my favorite romantic song. I often bring it up after introducing myself or answering questions about who I am, hoping that, after my presentation and answers, people better understand me.

What's your favorite feature on SoundGym, and how has it helped you in your musical journey?

I‬‭ love‬‭ all‬‭ the‬‭ exercises,‬‭ but‬‭ Peak‬‭ Master‬‭ and‬‭ EQ‬‭ Cheetah‬‭ are‬‭ probably‬‭ my‬‭ favorites.‬‭ Peak‬‭ Master‬‭ gives‬‭ me‬‭ a‬‭ great‬‭ sense‬‭ of‬‭ satisfaction‬‭ when‬‭ I‬‭ hit‬‭ the‬‭ right‬‭ frequencies,‬‭ while‬‭ EQ‬‭ Cheetah‬‭ is‬‭ a‬‭ challenging‬‭ test‬‭ that‬‭ pushes‬‭ me‬‭ to‬‭ earn‬‭ as‬‭ many‬‭ points‬‭ as‬‭ possible‬‭ within‬‭ the‬‭ time limit.‬

‭ One‬‭ funny‬‭ quirk‬‭ I’ve‬‭ developed‬‭ over‬‭ time‬‭ is‬‭ that,‬‭ whenever‬‭ I’m‬‭ uncertain‬‭ in‬‭ Peak‬‭ Master‬‭ and‬‭ don’t‬‭ hear‬‭ any‬‭ difference,‬‭ I‬‭ always‬‭ choose‬‭ around‬‭ 12kHz‬‭ because‬‭ of‬‭ my‬‭ tinnitus,‬‭ and‬‭ it surprisingly works!‬

‭ I’m‬‭ also‬‭ intrigued‬‭ by‬‭ how,‬‭ as‬‭ I‬‭ improve,‬‭ the‬‭ exercises‬‭ involving‬‭ saturation‬‭ and‬‭ compression‬‭ become more about “feeling” the difference than just “hearing” it.‬

‭ My‬‭ daily‬‭ SoundGym‬‭ practice‬‭ has‬‭ definitely‬‭ made‬‭ me‬‭ more‬‭ conscious‬‭ of‬‭ frequencies‬‭ and‬‭ has‬‭ also‬‭ helped‬‭ me‬‭ get‬‭ better‬‭ at‬‭ recognizing‬‭ differences‬‭ in‬‭ compression,‬‭ distortion,‬‭ and‬‭ reverb, which improves my sound development as an artist and label owner.‬

What’s something exciting you're working on or looking forward to?

‭ Besides working on new music from nOzart, I’m excited about the recent launch of my boutique record label, Antigoon Records, which debuted with a great release from Darkly A.M. in December 2024. Launching a music label has been an exciting, rewarding, and educational journey so far, with several new releases already lined up for early 2025.

‭ My‬‭ main‬‭ goal‬‭ with‬‭ the‬‭ label‬‭ is‬‭ to‬‭ help‬‭ emerging‬‭ or‬‭ lesser-known‬‭ artists‬‭ release‬‭ their‬‭ music,‬‭ with‬‭ a‬‭ focus‬‭ on‬‭ progressive‬‭ melodic‬‭ electronic‬‭ music,‬‭ often‬‭ featuring‬‭ piano‬‭ and‬‭ synth elements, though it’s not a strict requirement.‬
‭ The‬‭ key‬‭ for‬‭ me,‬‭ both‬‭ as‬‭ an‬‭ artist‬‭ and‬‭ a‬‭ label,‬‭ is‬‭ to‬‭ release‬‭ and‬‭ create‬‭ music‬‭ with‬‭ a‬‭ story‬‭ and emotion.‬

‭ If‬‭ you're‬‭ curious‬‭ about‬‭ the‬‭ label’s‬‭ taste,‬‭ its‬‭ “Chill‬‭ Electronic‬‭ Breeze”‬‭ playlist‬‭ on‬‭ Spotify‬‭ is‬‭ a‬‭ great‬‭ reference,‬‭ and‬‭ artists‬‭ are‬‭ more‬‭ than‬‭ welcome‬‭ to‬‭ submit‬‭ their‬‭ music‬‭ via‬‭ the‬‭ Antigoon‬‭ Records website.‬

‭ So‬‭ SoundGym‬‭ is‬‭ not‬‭ only‬‭ valuable‬‭ for‬‭ me‬‭ as‬‭ an‬‭ artist‬‭ but‬‭ definitely‬‭ also‬‭ as‬‭ a‬‭ label‬‭ owner—it‬‭ helps‬‭ me‬‭ develop‬‭ a‬‭ better‬‭ ear‬‭ for‬‭ evaluating‬‭ submissions‬‭ and‬‭ refining‬‭ my‬‭ mixing‬‭ and mastering skills.‬

You can follow Olivier on his socials,  website, and his music platforms, You can also follow Olivier's label on its Instagram and website!



Matthias K.
Jan 23
cool to read!

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