Why are my payments are failing?

Having trouble getting a payment through? There are a few things you can check.

Keep in mind that if your subscription payments start failing after the first one`s gone through successfully, we`re going to try a few times and keep you in the loop before ever interrupting your subscription.

There can be several reasons why payments don`t go through:
  • Your credit card has expired or been cancelled
  • You don`t have enough funds in your account at the time we try to process your payment
  • You`re trying to pay for your subscription with a gift card or a prepaid card
  • Your card doesn`t accept foreign transactions or purchases to foreign companies
  • Your card doesn`t accept online recurring billing
  • Your bank declined the payment
  • There`s a connection timeout between our payment provider and your bank at the time we try processing the payment
If you`re not sure why your payments aren`t going through, we would suggest contacting your bank or PayPal to check with them. They have a lot more visibility on payment issues than we do.

Be sure to reach out to our Support if you need some extra help.
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