Jose Guzman
Jan 09, 23:06 in SoundGym Olympics
Why is there no sound on this spacepan alien game? Tried it on my headphones and speakers and even watched the video. In the video example there's sound but nothing wile playing the actual game? Does anyone else experience this?
Jan 09, 05:58 in SoundGym Official
@Mihai Cosareanu is now a SoundGym certified member. Congratulations Mihai!!
Socky ‎
Jan 09, 16:10
You callin him... old? :P
Maya B
Jan 09, 16:26
Colin Aiken
Jan 09, 22:54
Big Time Congratulations!
Jan 09, 12:15 in SoundGym Official
Congrats @Mantas Kraskauskas for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Liam Raeder
Jan 09, 21:11
Keep going, it’ll be worth it no matter what!
Billy Lorne
Jan 09, 21:26
Congrats, Mantas!
Colin Aiken
Jan 09, 22:53
Jan 09, 05:47 in SoundGym Official
Congrats @Mihai Cosareanu for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Maya B
Jan 09, 16:26
Billy Lorne
Jan 09, 21:27
So amazing, Mihai. Congrats!
Colin Aiken
Jan 09, 22:53
Jan 09, 21:33 in SoundGym Official
Congrats @Frank Tenorio for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Frank Tenorio
Jan 09, 21:35
TY SoundGym! :D
Billy Lorne
Jan 09, 21:47
Excellent work, Frank!
Colin Aiken
Jan 09, 22:53
DJ Astrofreq
Jan 09, 16:12 in SoundGym Cafe
Question: Do Swingbeat, Rebeater and Metronomer ever appear in the daily routines or are those separate exercises?
Jason Stanley
Jan 09, 16:47
separate, they are the beatrace games. There is a separate daily exercise in the beatrace page worth 9 soundcoins a day, but does not count toward your daily workout count. that daily workout is the 3 beatrace games every time.
DJ Astrofreq
Jan 09, 18:32
That's what I figured. I've been doing them daily and just didn't know if they eventually made it to the daily workouts. Thanks.
Jan 09, 08:53 in SoundGym Cafe
hi everyone, ive been progressing at eq quite a bit thanks to sound gym but im having difficulty hearing the effects of compression specifically with dr.compressor. what should I be listening for to better hear how compression is working?

secondly, delay control - its difficult for me to improve because I dont have a grasp on basic feel for delay timing. I also feel like some of the example melodies with the delay are quite messy and can be difficult to tell what is the melody and what is the delay. I appreciate all the help and feedback I can get, thanks!
Jan 09, 14:50
For compression, I searched and found a different thread here on SoundGym where someone had shared this YouTube video that I found extremely helpful for identifying what to listen for in Dr. Compressor:

I started taking notes while I play, I can hear the cymbals wash in and out during drum hits on A more than B or the transients aren't as harsh in A compared to B and this has benefited me a lot

For delay control, I'm not that great at it, but my process so far has involved taking note of what a given delay sounds like while I'm playing, and eventually getting the hang of ok, this range sounds like slapback and this range sounds like an intentional delay effect and this range sounds like an echo. Sometimes I try to compare the long ones by getting 60 bpm (one tap per second) going, and counting out halves or fourths etc., and seeing if the delay is greater or lesser than the division. For example if I need to determine if the delay is 400 ms or 600 ms, I can try and count and see if the delay is greater than or less than a half second (half of 60 bpm).

Hope that helps some. I'm still a beginner too. Best of luck
Seighart Bui
Jan 09, 17:13
Short answer is the snare sounds quieter when compressed. after a few more levels when it's harder to distinguish then try to listen for the tail of the snare, it should sound a bit longer.
for delay, pick an instrument that's easy to listen to like the guitar or piano. 1000ms delay is equivalent to 60bpm, 500ms delay is 120bpm on the metronome, so 250 is half of that and so on. At higher level it's easier to just feel what it sounds like, it'll take a while to get used to though. then at below 20ms delay, you'll have to look up comb filter effect, which alters the tone of the sound.
Maybe it's better to just go into practice mode and try them out. You can also press C after each question to compare the answers. Good luck!
Jason Stanley
Jan 09, 17:16
I love kush after hours hahaha

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