Jul 03, 22:08 in SoundGym Official
Checkout the latest tracks added to SoundGym:

'El placer de conocerte ' by Cristian Quieto
'Bend It Right Back' by Brad Dassey
'always' by baconstrudel

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Jul 02, 23:50 in SoundGym Official
Congrats @Vitalii Mizhenin for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Steve Rinaldi
Jul 03, 18:34
Way to go Vitalii! Keep up the good work!
Douglas Noble
Jul 03, 19:58
Well done, Vitalii!
T. Tinari
Jul 03, 20:09
Good to see the hard work paying off! Congrats :)
Hi Guys,
wanted to share my last single, produced and mix by myself , video included.
Hope you enjoy it!
Josh Kingsley
Jul 03, 13:36
That's a really solid mix! Sounds very pro and polished! The only small thing I can pick out is that although the low end of the kick is spot on, I think the kick would really benafit from a bit more pop a little higher up. somewhere around 100-120ish maybe, as well as a bit more tick in the mids somewhere. That'll really alow it to shine on all systems, and sound even better on a full range system. Parallel compression crafted to bring out the attack of the kick as well as possibly a tad of parallel saturation on a diferant parallel track all blended to taste may really give it that extra bite higher up for the kick (if you havn't already done that for the low end, as it is really solid down there).

Other than that, there's absolutely nothnig else that is noticabley improvable, and any other change would be tiny tweaks to taste, rather than any hyper specific improovement I could easily pick out, and these would all be things than 10 diferant people could have 10 diferant opinions on, so is pointless to mention imho. Even the kick change I mentioned could probably fall into that catagory tbh. Maybe someone with better insight than I could find some things, but from where I'm sitting it's pretty on the money, especially for the syle and vibe it is.. ;)

This vid is dope too!
Jul 03, 14:06
Great 👍
Mike Gallagher
Jul 03, 19:27
Great job, I love the guitar tones.
Eli Mo
Jul 02 in SoundGym Cafe
hey guys, so i have a question, so for one of my vocal tracks, i used a dynamic eq but i couldn't really get it to hit, i look up a video on the differences between all eqs to get a refresher cause i got so used to always using the same Dynamic eq that i forgot about all the rest, i settled to try a graphic eq and i got it to sound way better in my opinion but i wanted to make sure that this graphic eq move was a good idea cause i always see people use parametric and dynamic eqs on vocals for their flexibility, i read on reddit that graphic eqs are best for live sound situations compared to studio recording due to some problems graphic eqs have. my question is, does it really matter what eq i use even if i can get it to sound good?
Josh Kingsley
Jul 03, 13:03
I'd think about dynamic EQ more like multiband compression but just with the ability to change the Q of the band effected, mixed with an EQ, as opposed to just another type of EQ. This might help you get your head around it better.

As far as I know, there's not much diference betwen a standard grafic EQ and a parametric one (that just has a ton of active bands) other than the controls and the visual interface. The lack of a Q control is the biggest, but boosting and cutting will just be like with a parametric EQ, but with a fixed Q at each freqency. You just generally get more control and visual feedback with a parametric EQ, but that's not saying you need that extra control every time, nor that feedback, providing you can hear what you are doing and like it. However, there are some issues that you just need a parametric EQ for, as a grafic one will not have the flexability to be able to fully solve them. For instance sweeping the spectrum to identify exactly where a problem freqency lays, you can't really do with a grafic EQ without messing up any bands you've already set, as well as the obvious one of not being able to adjust Q and being stuck with the same shape bell curve for every band.

If it sounds good, it generally is good. However there are some reasons you might want to use a specific type of EQ to solve specific things. Too many to go fully into here, but for example linear phase is great for parallel tracks as unlike a standard EQ, it doesn't change the phase relationship between them (but can introduce pre-ringing especially in low end material). Most things in audio have both pros and cons, and you need to weigh them up in each situation to help you land on the right tool, depending on what you are trying to acheive with each particular move you make, and what pitfalls of using a certain tool there may be.

I always go by the mantra know why you are doing or using something, and if you don't, ask yourself do you even need it? Which seems to be what you are doing here. :) A normal EQ is perfectly fine to use for general tone shaping in most cases, unless you have a specific reason to use something else (like a perfectly valid reason you might want to use a dynamic EQ on vocals is if the problem freqency isn't present all the time, and you don't want to be cutting there when it isn't present, but if you just need less 300hz overall, there is really no reason to not use a normal EQ to do it in most cases, that is unless you are specifically aware of a reason why it wouldn't be the best tool for that specific job in that specific situation, due to other factors about the track or it's processing that makes it make more sense to use something else instead). ;)
Eli Mo
Jul 03, 03:30 in SoundGym Cafe
alright so i been working on this tracks for a couple of weeks cause i dont make time to record any vocals, the first part is good, but now recording the main verse sucks so now im contemplating wether i should drop it or have hope and record more takes and re write stuff, i want to but i dont know if ill be able to make this a banger cause. i would practice the lyrics without recording and it would sound good, id record and now its bad, so i dont know if i change moods and what not when it comes up to recording, got any ideas on what i should do?
Congrats @Jan-Philip G for winning the Diamond Ears Award!
Colin Aiken
Jul 02
Outstanding achievement!
Lio LM
Jul 03, 01:15
Darryl Williams
Jul 03, 01:23
Hoo -ray!!!!!
Congrats @Josh Saulenas for winning the Diamond Ears Award!
Colin Aiken
Jul 02
Legendary accomplishment!
Lio LM
Jul 03, 01:15
Darryl Williams
Jul 03, 01:22
Job well done!!!!!
Congrats @Tuf Nut for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Lio LM
Jul 03, 01:15
Very nice!
Darryl Williams
Jul 03, 01:22

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