Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Vitalii Mizhenin
Sep 08, 00:11
if one will make an affort on stage of coding to mp3, he can get something like that
Alisa Qi
Sep 07, 14:16 in SoundGym Cafe
hey, has anybody tried Steven Slate VSX headphones? I'm moving countries and don't know what space I'm gonna be in, so I'm thinking about headphones. But even using canopener (without it I'm completely lost) with my hd 650/ath m60x I get very poor results in space-related games (pangirl/stereohead). I'm seeing videos on yt about VSX where audioengineers rave about how these are great. So my questions are:
* is anyone here using them?
* can you confirm that space-related games (and space representation in general) are comparable with real studio monitors?
* is platinum edition any good or essential is pretty much all you need?
Alisa Qi
Sep 07, 18:34
hmmm, dearVR sounds def better than canopener, more open and less, um, stuffy. but the accuracy is better by a margin of error I feel. dearVR also has ridiculous amount of latency, forgot to turn it off on beatrace and noticed a huge difference (didn't understand what's happening until after). so my choice in the end is between better sounding and less latency, and honestly I dunno, I'll try dearVR more and then decide, but seems like canopener is winning rn.
Gunnar Maaß
Sep 07, 22:52
You might be interested in this course
One of his courses was initially curated on this site but was taken down due to copyright some years ago. I think its great and I come back to it from time to time.
Darren Boling
Sep 07, 23:34
I use and love Slate VSX. I've been thru Sonarworks w/ canopener, Realphones, and Audeze Reveal prior to VSX. To my ears VSX is easily the most trustworthy with translation, even when doing the panning and spacial games here. My mastering mentor's room is of a similar design to Zuma far, including the ATC 110 monitors, and we went back and forth tuning them the same (I had to bump up the depth knob a touch to get the same result). It's really amazing what they've accomplished.
Sep 07, 21:22 in SoundGym Official
Congrats @Frans Rewijk for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Congrats @A Krav for winning the Golden Ears Award!
No go back to level one for kicks. you came far.
Paul Schreiber
Sep 07, 18:21
Way to go!
Steve Rinaldi
Sep 07, 18:49
Congratulations on this advancement!
Congrats @Alexandre Prates for winning the Golden Ears Award!
thanks Colin!
Well done!!!
Paul Schreiber
Sep 07, 18:18
Great job!
Congrats @Alejo Prias for winning the Diamond Ears Award!
Alejo Prias
Sep 06
Paul Schreiber
Sep 07, 18:18
Fantastic job, Alejo!

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