Everything sound & ear training related


DJ Astrofreq
Feb 03
Does it bother anyone else that some of the See Details for the Artist sounds don't work? I'd hate to buy more training sounds and not like them. They should really fix these links.
nord berg
Feb 03
don't worry, they're all bad
DJ Astrofreq
Feb 04
I don't think so at all.
Pedro Sousa
Feb 04, 10:35
I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but I bought one single artist sound and swore to never do it again. It's ridiculous how it's like 30Dbs louder than the other sounds from SoundGym (at least the one artist sound I bought)
Lino Leon Paparone
Feb 04, 14:24
you can adapt to the dirrefent gain
Seighart Bui
Feb 04, 15:02
you can choose what kind of sound during training.
the shop is small, you'll run out of things to buy pretty soon
DJ Astrofreq
Feb 04, 15:11
Exactly, I have a bunch of Soundcoins stocking up and there isn't much to do with them.
Romano G
Feb 04, 23:06
DJ Astrofreq
Feb 05, 04:10
Will do! Thanks for that! I'd never seen that.