Everything sound & ear training related


Hey everyone!

Been absent from here for quite a while, lots going on with life and projects. (Will likely jump back on when I need to brush up my ears for another batch of mixing! Haha.)

In the meantime, I wanted to put something out there - I’m opening up some space in my schedule for private one-on-one video lessons/mentorships on writing music for media (Film, TV, Games, Ads) - specifically composing, producing, songwriting, etc and wanted to reach out to this community first. I’ve always enjoyed teaching, and I love helping people grow and succeed, especially if I can help you get a head start with what took me years to figure out myself. That’s not to say you can skip the hard work, but knowing where to best direct your efforts is for sure going to be more effective than shooting in the dark or scouring the internet for direction (still works, just slower!).

I’ve been working professionally in the Film and TV industry as a composer for a bit over a decade now, and given my experience, I think you’ll benefit most from lessons/coaching with me if you’re specifically looking to do music for media (Film, TV, Games, Ads). Could range from anything to talking strategy and business advice, feedback on promoting yourself with your reel, website, social media presence, networking etc. Can explore music production techniques, genres, sound design, exploring different tools and plugins as well as gear and the benefits/drawbacks. Explore writing music to scenes and analyzing what works and what doesn’t work and different approaches one could try. Can explore the actual business side and the workflow and process. The differences between working on Game music, TV music, Library music, Licensing, Films, etc. And more along those lines. Basically anything and everything related to being a working media composer.

However, if you’re looking to be a professional mixer, mastering engineer, work in live music etc, it may not be the best bang for your buck as there are definitely way more qualified people in this community to help you with that than me.

In terms of rates, I’ll be charging $125 CDN per hour (+HST if you’re a fellow Canadian), with the first session/consultation being $50 where we will spend the time discussing goals, interests, strengths, weaknesses, etc to figure out if it’s a good fit and how we would go about tailoring lessons. This is going to be an organic process of one-on-one mentorship where the process and goals inform the content rather than being a generic course. I’m always happy to answer questions and offer quick advice for free, but only have so much time and unfortunately have to make a living and pay the bills haha.

If you’re interested, please send me an email to kevin@kevinkrouglow.com (I don’t log in to SoundGym often enough these days so please email as I might miss your message otherwise) and let me know your experience and what your goals are - where you’re based and what time zone you’re in / what your availability is like. Then we can go from there. There’s also no long term commitment and scheduling is going to be flexible (just as I’ll need you to be flexible with mine). If at any point you feel like you’re not getting what you want from this, that would be totally fine, and I’d likewise feel bad charging if I don’t feel I am actually bringing benefit to you - and will be sure to bring this up and let you know.

Looking forward to hearing from some of you!