Everything sound & ear training related


Kunal Kumar
Mar 10, 15:42
Increasing your SPI is very time consuming process, even getting a Iron Ear award may require a month by doing constant training.
Gold is way beyond my reach, i will only spend 1 more month here and then will continue my subscription later, because it helped me alot but i need to focus on real work also.

What do you think? Any suggestions.
jeremy Bitner
Mar 10, 16:17
just do it about 45 minutes a day. You'll still have time for regular work. You'll get to Gold faster than you realize.
Valentyn Dobrovinskyi
Mar 10, 16:58
I got Golden Ears award after 3 month of everyday work. My hearing skills still far from desirable but I am happy with the progress and now I am highly motivated to learn more
Charles Payne
Mar 10, 17:21
When you say real work do you mean working on music?