Everything sound & ear training related


DJ Astrofreq
Jan 06
Good morning,

How long did it take you before you could successfully finish EQ Cheetah? I'm about a month into this program and still can't do it. :(

I hate racing against the clock TBH
I cant remember how long it took. It's a lot easier with good cans and a roller mouse though. That skillset was easiest for me to learn starting with pink noise. Then moving to full spectrum music tracks. The hardest was solo instruments.
Jason Stanley
Jan 06
I thought I'd never level up in that game. and then one day it clicked, and for some reason it's my most leveled EQ game. I really don't know what happened, but it really did just click after I kept trying and trying. Maybe spend some time on peak master to get really into what the peaks sound like, and get used to the same sound for the game. I always use the very first option for the EQ games, which is a full band sound. To answer your question directly, it took me like I don't know maybe 2 weeks to advance in that game. Just don't give up, keep trying to listen for where the frequency spike is and your brain will keep filing away data until you're hitting the mark better and better.
DJ Astrofreq
Jan 06
Jason, where do you find the pink noise option? Or is that something worked on outside of Soundgym? Thanks.
Jason Stanley
Jan 06
click on peak master, and practice with pink noise is on the far right of the screen
DJ Astrofreq
Jan 06
Thanks! I don't know why I had never seen that. :)
Jason Stanley
Jan 06
It's easy to miss for sure