Everything sound & ear training related


Hey there! I'm considering unlocking the PRO. I'm a newbie producer (a little bit more than a year). Could anyone share your experience how SoundGym improved your production skills? Thank you!
Aga I
Jun 25
Yeah! Do it! Its a good investment. And you can cancel any time. For me it helped a lot, but I canceled recently because I wasn't spending so much time on practising anymore. I think you should practise every day to get maximum out of the PRO.
Anne Schutte
Jun 25
Hi Cristian, I think it's the best choice you can make when you want to impove your productions. Better than buying new plugins etc ;) But the only thing that makes it valuable is when you commit to it for a while.

In my opinion this way of training really speeds up the process of recognising frequencies, reverbs etc that would otherwise take years of practice in the studio.
How much time per day would you say that is proper training?
Yes, do it.
Bryn Ranyard
Jun 26
For me the time varies each day as I play each workout until I have improved on one of my top three scores. So sometimes 20 mins, sometimes 50. I then try to watch about 30 to 60 mins of learning videos each day. This method seems to bring constant progress and I can say in 9 months my hearing and production knowledge has improved massively. It has been a solid investment.
hi! It probably different for everyone as we don't start at the same level and have different strengths. But I have been doing training every day since last black-friday, and like 2 month ago or so my ears suddenly changed.
First I thought I was crazy, but what I think happened is that my brain just decided to allocate more resources to hearing or something.
Since than I hear more detail, separate things easier, all in all can enjoy music and sound in general in a different manner. I'm planning to do it for a whole year, but I already say that it worth the investment for me, and I'm not even diamond yet.
I'm not harsh on myself with how much practice I do, as life is life, sometimes I just try every excersie once and call it a day. Take a look at the book Elastic Habits from Stephen Guise.
Also take a look at the space Mixdown Training Room. What Magghy and the others are doing there is amazing and worth every penny in itself. Wish I had the capacity to continue doing the weekly training mixes. https://www.soundgym.co/space/view?id=GD2LI6086CM