I have question for the leaders of the Cut Champ game. I definitely didn't practice the cuts as much as the boosts in the EQ. Do you get to the level where you can clearly hear and pinpoint the cuts without comparing, intuitively, in the same way I manage to do with the boosts?
I'm asking because to me (to my ears) I'm not sure if those frequencies are cut or didn't exist in the sound in the first place, while on the boosting game somehow it's much more intuitive for me (unless I play using the very limited-in-spectrum synth sounds and the question is about very high frequencies.
Yes i can hear the cuts clearly same as boosted frequencies without bypassing or doing the A/B comparison because i trained myself in a way to do it. Attenuated frequencies were harder for me compared to boosted one but now I've got the quite hang of it, besides it saves alot of time.
I feel the same as you @Mihai Cosareanu , finding cuts is not that intuitive like finding boost, and it takes me more time. In fact, to get my best score on CutChamp I most A/B the sound... And Im pretty sure most of the player do it that way too. This almost makes the CutChamp in a BoostChamp XD, but the scores decreases because we have to use the A/B button all the time.
yep, I'm pants at Kick cut, at the start I couldn't hear anything, but gradually over time I started to hear the cuts, Scores still nowhere near as boost champ, but gradually getting better. I always feel a bit toppy after playing kick cut
Jan 15
Jan 15
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