Everything related to SoundGym BeatRace


Maddie Laflen
Nov 09, 2024
Hi I am wondering how hard it is to become an audio engineer I am 14 and I love music but I really wanna be a singer when I grow up so I think I can get closer to music by doing this what are y’all’s thoughts
Sergio Gabaldon
Nov 09, 2024
Hey Maddie. It's much easier to become an audio engineer these days, there's lots of resources on the internet, just like this one. But if what you really want to be is a singer, go and take some good singing lessons, the sooner the better! You can be both no problem :)
Dylan Neal
Nov 10, 2024
Hi Maddie, and welcome!

Being an audio engineer is hard work. Some people find it easier than others, but learning to be an audio engineer will take a lot of time away from other things even if you are naturally good at it (or maybe, especially if you are good at it because it becomes an obsession!).

If you really want to be a singer, I would say to focus on that more. If you start learning to sing correctly earlier in life then you can train your voice easier. It gets much harder to learn to sing when you are older. Voices don't get better with age. You can learn audio engineering later if you still want to, but if you have a talent for singing, do it now.

Also, it's OK to start out trying to copy your heroes but it's better to try to find your own voice. Everyone's voice is different so just be yourself.

Best of luck!
Maddie Laflen
Nov 10, 2024
Thank you so much I have been trying to train my voice thank you for the very helpful information
Liva En
Nov 10, 2024
You can combine both of these things and become an independent artist. But if your heart is in singing then focus on that more. I do think that it’s for the artist’s own interests to learn audio engineering too. With dedication and hard work it is possible.